Selasa, 05 April 2011

Nursing theory florence nightingale

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 07:21 AM PDT

nursing theory florence nightingaleNursing can not be separated from the Florence Nightingale, what the concept of Florence Nightingale and what Florence Nightingale theoretical relationship with the concept of nursing
Relationship with Florence Nightingale’s theory of nursing concepts:
1) Individual / Community
Has a great ability to improve his condition in the face of disease.
2) Nursing
Aims to bring / take individuals on the best conditions to perform activities through basic efforts to influence the environment.
3) Healthy / sick

Focus on improvements to health.

4) Community / environment
Involving external conditions that affect the lives and development of the individual, focus on ventilation, temperature, smell, sound and light.

e. Relationship with Florence Nightingale’s theory of nursing process
1) assessment / data collection
N Florence assessment data is more focused on the environmental conditions (physical environment, psychological and social).
2Analisa data
Data are grouped according to the physical environment, social and mental conditions associated with client related to the environment overall.
3) Problems
Focused on individual relationships with the environment such as:
Lack of information about environmental cleanliness?
Garbage disposal?
Environmental pollution?
Social communication, etc.?
4) Nursing Diagnosis
Berrbagai client issues related to the environment include:
Environmental factors affecting the effectiveness of care.??
Adjustments to the environment.??
The influence of environmental stressor on the effectiveness of care.??
5) Implementation
Efforts basic change / affect the environment that allows the creation of good environmental conditions that affect the lives, perrtumbuhan and individual development.
6) Evaluation
Observe the impact of environmental changes on the health of individuals.
f. Florence Nightingale theoretical relationships with other theories:
1) The theory of adaptation
Adaptation shows adjustment of the force against it. Strength seen in the context of the overall environment is in itself. Berrhasil least one adapatsi response can be seen with the environmental review described Florence N.
The ability of natural self can act as the influence of the environment at each individual berperanpenting in adaptive or mal responds adaptive.
2) The theory needs
According to Maslow’s basically admitted to the suppression theory N Florence, for example oxygen demand can be regarded as fresh air, ventilation and safe environment needs associated with a good channel and clean water.
The theory emphasizes how the relationship needs related to the needs of human ability in maintaining life.
3) The theory of stress
Stress involves a threat or a change in the environment, which should be addressed. Stress can be positive or negative depending on the final result. Stress can encourage individuals to take positive action in achieving the desire or need.
Stress can also cause fatigue if the stress is so strong that individuals can not overcome. Florence N, emphasized the placement of patients in an optimum environment that will menimumkan stressor effects, such as a noisy place, waking the patient with a sudden, everything was seen as a negative stressor. The number and duration of stressor also have a strong influence on the ability of individual köping.
5. Social psychological theory
a) the activity or activities (activity theory)
Provisions will increase to a decrease in the number directly. Teri stated that successful aging is that they are active and participate in many social activities
Optimum size (pattern) is continued in the way of life of elderly people
Maintaining the relationship between social systems and individuals to remain stable from middle age to elderly
b) Personality continues (continuity theory)
Aatau basic personality does not change behavior in elderly. This theory is a combination of the above theory. In this theory states that the changes that occur in the elderly person is affected by personality types possessed.
c) Theory of Liberation (Disengagement theory)
This theory states that with age, a person is bengangsur gradually began to escape her social life. This situation resulted in social interksi elderly declined, both in quality and quantity so often happens to lose a double (triple loss), namely 1) loss of role 2) social contact resistance 3) reduction commitments contacts

Danger Signs childbed

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 07:05 AM PDT

childbed dangerDanger Signs childbed
during childbirth is a time after the delivery, but there is the danger in childbirth when,
Any sign – a sign of danger during childbirth?

Early infection childbed
After the birth occurred some significant changes such as increased formation of urine to reduce blood hemodilusi, absorption occurs several specific materials through the venous blood vessels, causing a temperature increase of about 0.5 oC is not a pathological condition or deviating from day one. Sores because labor is the entry of germs into the body, causing infection in childbed at the time. When childbirth infection is an infection, inflammation of the genitalia of all equipment during childbirth by the provisions of any cause increased body temperature exceeds 38 oC without counting the first day and successively for two days.

Clinical features common infections may be in the form:

A. Local infection
1. Swelling of episiotomy wounds.
3. Changes in local colors.
4. Expenditure pus mixed lochia.
5. Mobilization is limited because of pain.
6. Body temperature can rise.

B. General infection
1. Looks sick and weak.
2. Temperature rises above 39 oC.
3. Can decrease blood pressure and pulse increased.
4. Breathing can be increased and breathing was labored.
5. Awareness to decrease anxiety and coma.
6. Interference occurs uterine involution.
7. Lochia: smelly, festering and dirty.

Early infection predisposing factors childbed
Predisposing factors include infection during childbirth are:
1.childbirth long neglected until there is delivery.
2.action delivery operations.
3. left placental membranes and blood clots.
4. membranes broke early or at the opening was a little girl more than six hours.
5. state which can reduce the general situation, ie antepartum haemorrhage and Post Partum, anemia during pregnancy, malnutrition, fatigue and pregnant women with infectious diseases.
The occurrence of childbed Infection

Infection during childbirth are as follows:
1.Manipulasi helper: too often make checks in, a tool used less sterile.
2.Infection a hospital-acquired (nosocomial).
3.  sex before birth.
4. there intrapartum infection: a long neglected labor, rupture of membranes more than six hours, there are centers of infection in the body (local infeki).

Abnormal conditions in the womb
Some abnormal uterine conditions are:
1. Sub involution uteri.
The process of uterine involution is not running as it should, so that the reduction process hampered the uterus. Cause of the sub involution uteri is infection in the endometrium, there remains the placenta and membranes, there are blood clots or uterine uteri.
2. Secondary childbirth bleeding period.
Is bleeding occurs in the first 24 hours. The reason is the occurrence of infection in the endometrium and placenta, and there are remaining membranes.
3. Flegmansia alba dolens.
Is one form of infection is about puerpuralis vein femoral vein. Clinical symptoms are:
1. Swelling of the legs.
2. White.
3. Was very painful.
4. Blood vessels appeared dam.
5Temperatur body can increase.
Abnormal conditions in the breast
Some of the abnormal situation that may occur are:
1. obstructed breast milk
Caused by a blockage in the milk line. Complaints mamae swollen, hard, and feels hot to the body temperature increases.
2. Mastitis and abscess Mamae
These infections cause fever, local pain at the mamae, compaction mamae and skin color changes mamae.
Abnormal psychological state
The 1Psikologi In childbed
Emotional changes during childbirth has many forms and variations. These conditions will gradually to normal until at week 12 after birth.
At 0 – 3 days after giving birth, childbirth the mother is at the peak of anxiety after childbirth because the pain in childbirth was felt that results in difficult mother to rest, so that women experience lack of rest during the day and insomnia at night.
At 3 -10 days after birth, usually appear Postnatal blues, usually referred to by 3th day blues. But in fact based on research done most appeared on day five. Postnatal blues is a condition where the mother has a sense of worry that excessive condition and the condition of the baby so the mother is easy to panic with little change in the conditions of his or her baby.
At 1 to 12 weeks after birth, the mother’s condition began to improve and lead to the normal phase. Returns mother’s condition was greatly affected by environmental conditions, such as the attention of the nearest family members. The better the attention given the mother’s emotional faster return to normal.
2. Depression In The childbed
Research shows 10% of mothers experience depression after giving birth and 10% of it’s all emotion unchanged. This situation lasted between 3-6 months in some cases even during the first year of life 1 baby.
Causes of depression occurs because of reaction to pain that comes during childbirth and for reasons more complex. Based on the results of research carried out shows the factors that cause depression are impaired due to career mothers have given birth, lack of attention of people nearby, especially husband and family structure changes due to the presence of infants, especially in primipara mothers.

definition obstetrics,Obstetrical vital statistics include and aspects of the obstetric

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 06:45 AM PDT

Obstetrics Definition

obstetrics defineObstetrics is the branch of medical science relating to labor, the things that preceded it and the remaining symptoms (Oxford Dictionary, 1933). Obstetrics is concerned primarily about the phenomenon and the management of pregnancy, childbirth puerperium in both normal and abnormal conditions. Another name is the mid wifery obstetrics.

The purpose of obstetrics order every pregnancy is expected and culminating in the mother and baby are healthy. Also worked hard down the number of women and infant mortality as a result of the reproductive process or the amount of physical disability, intellectual and the resultant emotional.

Vital Statistics of Obstetrics

Obstetrical vital statistics include:

1. Birth
2. Birthrate
3. Figures fertility
4. Live births
5. Born dead (still birth)
6. Neonatal deaths
7. Figures stillborn
8. Fetal mortality rate (equal to the number born dead)
9. Neonatal mortality
10. Perinatal mortality
11. Low birth weight
12. Babies enough month (term infant)
13. Infants less months (premature)
14. Infants through months (post term)
15. Abortion
16. Direct maternal deaths (direct maternal death)
17. Indirect maternal deaths (indirect maternal death)
18. Non-maternal deaths
19. Maternal mortality or maternal mortality (maternal death rate or the maternal


Birth is the complete ekspulsi or extraction of a fetus from the mother regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is still in touch. Birth weight was equal to or more than 500 grams, birth length is equal to or more than 25 cm, and the same gestational age 20 weeks or more.

Birth Numbers

Birth rate is the number of births per 1000 population.

Fertility Figures

Figures in fertility is the number of live births per 1000 population of women aged 15-44 years.

Live births

The main sign of life are neonatal birth can breathe. The signs of other life includes heart rate and a clear spontaneous movement of voluntary muscles.

Born Dead (Still Birth)

Born to die is marked by no single sign of life at or after birth.

Neonatal deaths

Neonatal mortality of early neonatal mortality and neonatal mortality information. Early neonatal mortality is the death of a baby born alive within 7 days after birth. Neonatal death is death continued a baby born to live more or less 7 days till 29 days.

Figures Born Dead

Number is the number of stillborn babies are born die per 1000 babies born.

Neonatal Mortality

Neonatal mortality is the number of neonatal deaths per 1000 live births.

Perinatal Mortality

Perinatal mortality rate is the number of stillbirth plus neonatal deaths per 1000 total births.

Low Birth Weight

Low birth weight is birth weight less than 2500 grams.

Self-month baby

Babies are enough in infants born with gestational age 37-42 weeks or 260-294 days.

Poor babies Month (Premature)

Infants less than the month was the baby born with a gestational age less than 37 weeks.

Infants Through Month

Past month baby is born infants with gestation over 42 weeks.


Abortion is the taking or spending a fetus or embryo from the uterus during the first half of pregnancy (20 weeks or less) or birth weight less than 500 grams birth weight or length of 25 cm or less.

Direct Maternal Mortality

Direct maternal deaths due to obstetric complications of pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium and from interventions, birth, and inappropriate therapy.

Indirect Maternal Mortality

Indirect maternal deaths caused by diseases arising during pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium and was exacerbated by maternal physiological adaptation to pregnancy. Eg maternal deaths due to complications of mitral stenosis.

Non-Maternal mortality

Non-maternal deaths are caused by accident or coincidence that did not relate to pregnancy.

Maternal Mortality

Maternal mortality is the number of maternal deaths due to the reproductive process per 100,000 live births.

Common causes of maternal death are:
1. Bleeding
2. Hypertension
3. Infection


Bleeding that can cause maternal death of Post Partum bleeding, bleeding related to abortion, hemorrhage due to ectopic pregnancy, bleeding due to abnormal placental location or ablasio placenta (placenta previa and placenta absupsio), and hemorrhage due to ruptured uteri.

what and how a head injury, signs and symptoms head injury and management of head injury

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 05:59 AM PDT

Head Injury
including head injury emergencies and emergency snacks should be as effective as possible
what and how a head injury, signs and symptoms of head injury and the management of head injury, let us discuss this problem head injury

Head injury is a traumatic disruption of brain function with or without accompanying interstiil bleeding in the brain substance without breaking the continuity of the brain followed.

Primary brain injury:
Brain pathology is a disorder that arises immediately direct result of trauma. In the primary injury can happen: the brain bruises, lacerations.

Secondary brain injury:

Brain pathology is a disorder caused by biochemical abnormalities, metabolism, physiology that arise after the trauma.

Physiological processes are abnormal:
- Seizure
- Respiratory disorders
- Increased intracranial pressure that can be caused by:
• focal or diffuse edema
• epidural hematoma
• subdural hematoma
• intracerebral hematoma
• over hydration
- Sepsis / septic shock
- Anemia
- Shock
Abnormal physiological processes are more aggravate brain damage and injury is affecting morbidity and mortality.

Bleeding is often found:
• Epidural hematoma:
There is a collection of blood between the skull and bones due duramater bloodshot / branches of meningeal arteries contained media duramater, these blood vessels can not close itself because it is very dangerous. Can occur within a few hours to 1 – 2 days. The most frequent location of the temporal and parietal dilobus.

Signs and symptoms:
decreased level of consciousness, headache, vomiting, hemiparesa. Ipsilateral pupil dilation, rapid breathing and then shallow, irregular, decreased pulse, increased temperature.

• subdural hematoma
Gathering of blood between duramater and brain tissue, can be acute and chronic. Outbreak caused by venous blood vessels / veins that normally bridges are among duramater, slow and a little bleeding. Acute period occurred in 48 hours – 2 days or 2 weeks and chronic can occur in 2 weeks or several months.

Signs and symptoms:
Headache, confusion, drowsiness, withdrawal, slow thinking, seizures, and edema pupils.

• intracerebral hemorrhage
Bleeding in the brain tissue due to the outbreak of the arteries, capillaries, veins.
Signs and symptoms:
Headache, decreased consciousness, respiratory complications, hemiplegi contralateral, dilated pupils, changes in vital signs.

• subarachnoid haemorrhage:
Subarachnoid hemorrhage within the cavity due to rupture of blood vessels and the brain surface, almost always in a great head injuries.

Signs and symptoms:
Headache, decreased consciousness, hemiparese, ipsilateral pupil dilation and stiff neck.

• Bedrest total
• Provision of medicines
• Observation of vital signs and level of consciousness.

Thus about a head injury, signs and symptoms of head injury and the management of head injury, let us discuss this problem head injury, you may want to add?

Blood Pressure Influences Stroke Outcome

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 07:55 PM PDT

Blood Pressure Influences Stroke Outcome
Both high and low blood pressure during the acute phase of ischemic stroke are associated with brain injury and poor outcome, new research indicates.

A study published in Stroke examined the relationship of systolic and diastolic BP during the first 24 hours of ischemic stroke with outcome in 258 patients.

For every 10 mm drop below 180 mm Hg of systolic BP, the risk of early neurological deterioration rose by 6%.

For poor outcome, the corresponding increase was 25%. For mortality at three months, it was 7%. Mean infarct volume also increased by 7.3 cubic centimeters.

For every 10 mm increase beyond 180 mm Hg, the risk of early neurological deterioration increased by 40% and that of poor outcome increased by 23%.

The researchers also found a similar pattern for diastolic blood pressure of 100 mm Hg or lower or of greater than 100 mm Hg.

The authors conclude that a fall of more than 20 mm Hg in systolic BP was ‘the most important variable associated with early neurological deterioration, poor outcome and large infarct volumes.’

Blood Pressure Influences Stroke Outcome source

Screening of Breast Milk Can Provide Clues to Mother’s Cancer Risk

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 07:36 PM PDT

Screening of Breast Milk Can Provide Clues to Mother's Cancer Risk (from
Clinicians can assess breast cancer risk by examining the epithelial cells found in a mother's breast milk, according to preliminary study results presented this week at the American Association for Cancer Research 102nd Annual Meeting in Orlando, Fla.

The screening method has the potential to provide a personalized assessment of breast cancer risk, said lead researcher Kathleen F. Arcaro, PhD, associate professor of veterinary and animal sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Given that roughly 80% of women give birth, she said, this screening would cover a large percentage of the female population.

Arcaro and colleagues collected breast milk samples from about 250 women who were scheduled for or who had undergone a breast biopsy. The women submitted fresh samples, which were processed within 24 hours of expression; they provided samples from both breasts.

The researchers looked for evidence of an epigenetic response called methylation in three genes, RASSF1, GSTP1 and SFRP1, among the approximately 35 genes known to be methylated in breast cancer. Methylation silences gene expression, meaning tumor-suppressing proteins are not produced and cancer is more likely to occur.

Once researchers received the samples, they isolated the epithelial cells in the breast milk. They then isolated the DNA to look for epigenetic signals, which tell the body which genes to express. They compared these signals with breast cancer risk that had been assessed using the biopsy results.

Among the women whose biopsies revealed cancer in one breast, there was a significant increase in average RASSF1 methylation in the biopsied breast compared with the non-biopsied breast. Although the sample size in this study is small, "it's sufficient to tell us that we can use the cells in breast milk to assess breast cancer risk," Arcaro said, and additional studies are needed to expand the number of genes.

Long-term studies are currently underway, with about 80% of the original participants enrolled in follow-up.

Arcaro hopes that someday every woman who delivers a baby in a hospital will be screened for breast cancer via breast milk. "We'll take a little sample of colostrum, and we'll tell her how her breasts are doing," she said. "It's totally noninvasive, potentially inexpensive and really accurate."

Ostomy & ET Nursing Scholarships

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 04:17 PM PST

Scholarships are awarded to deserving individuals committed to working within the wound, ostomy and continence nursing specialty. Applicants agree to support the WOCN Society philosophy and scope of practice. The WOCN Society does not discriminate among applicants on the basis of age, gender, race, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or marital status.

Scholarship applicants must be accepted into a WOCN Society Accredited Nursing Education Program. Scholarship applications are accepted twice yearly and must reach the WOCN Society National Office by the deadline dates of May 1st or November 1st . Applications may be submitted before program begins, during program or by the first application deadline immediately following graduation.

NOTE: To ensure receipt of documents by the WOCN National Office, send your application via a traceable method such as mail return receipt requested, UPS or Federal Express. It is advisable that you keep a copy of your completed application packet.

On behalf of the WOCN Foundation and the WOCN Scholarship Committee, we look forward to helping you obtain financial assistance to pursue a career in WOC nursing.

WOCN Society Accredited Nursing Education Program Application
WOCN Society Advanced Education Scholarship Program

The WOCN Scholarship Committee is committed to furthering the role of professionalism within WOC nursing by assisting individuals to obtain a higher degree and helping in personal and academic achievement. Sponsors of the WOCN Society Advanced Education Program have generously contributed funds through the WOCN Foundation to provide a scholarship award program which offers financial aid to offset the costs of a Baccalaureate, Master’s or Doctoral Degree or NP Certificate.

NOTE: To ensure receipt of documents by the WOCN National Office, send your application via a traceable method such as mail return receipt requested, UPS or Federal Express. It is advisable that you keep a copy of your completed application packet.

WOCN Society Advanced Education Scholarship Program Application

for further information visit

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