Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Knowing how to treat colic

Posted: 27 Dec 2011 07:53 AM PST

Knowing how to treat colic If your baby is onto a different level of crying or showing signs of chronic irritability, then the infant might probably be suffering from a severe abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distention of any of the hollow viscera—such as the intestines—called “colic.” Known to occur at the early [...]

Men’s Health: 6 Weeks to a 6 Pack: Sculpt rock-hard abs with the fastest muscle-up, slim-down program ever created!

Posted: 27 Dec 2011 01:03 AM PST

Are you ready to take your shirt off at the beach? Men’s Health: 6 Weeks to a 6-Pack will help you get there. It's the magazine's newest step-by-step program for losing belly fat and building abs that show! Drawing from the latest research in exercise physiology and nutrition, it provides the most cutting-edge advice and [...]

Dealing with a colicky infant

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:54 PM PST

Dealing with a colicky infant Colic is not some unusual disease that you should worry about. In fact, it is actually quite common especially to babies who are barely a year old. Still, the nonstop screaming and fidgeting can worry a lot of parents, especially if this is the first time that they have encountered [...]

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