Rabu, 27 April 2011



Sample Family Nursing Care Plan

Posted: 27 Apr 2011 01:40 AM PDT

Concepts found within family nursing theory revolve around the ability of the family to cope with medical problems and maintain positive lifestyles. The family, in other words, can serve as the real impetus for healthy lifestyles by continually assisting family members to take care of themselves

Family Nursing Care Plan

Decreased Cardiac Output

Posted: 26 Apr 2011 07:17 PM PDT

Inadequate blood is pumped by the heart to meet the metabolic demands of the body. It resulted from a systemic vasoconstriction in the body caused by preeclampsia. Vasoconstriction is the decrease in the diameter of the blood vessels which occur in diseases like pregnancy-induced hypertension. Decreased blood supply leads to a decrease in venous return, thus there is a relatively smaller amount of blood expelled by the ventricles of the heart.

source : http://nurseslabs.com/nursing-care-plans/pre-eclampsia-nursing-care-plans/

anger care plan

Posted: 26 Apr 2011 07:57 AM PDT

What is anger?
Anger is a basic human emotion that is experienced by all people. Typically triggered by an emotional hurt, anger is usually experienced as an unpleasant feeling that occurs when we think we have been injured, mistreated, opposed in our long-held views, or when we are faced with obstacles that keep us from attaining personal goals.

The experience of anger varies widely; how often anger occurs, how intensely it is felt, and how long it lasts are different for each person. People also vary in how easily they get angry (their anger threshold), as well as how comfortable they are with feeling angry. Some people are always getting angry while others seldom feel angry. Some people are very aware of their anger, while others fail to recognize anger when it occurs. Some experts suggest that the average adult gets angry about once a day and annoyed or peeved about three times a day. Other anger management experts suggest that getting angry fifteen times a day is more likely a realistic average. Regardless of how often we actually experience anger, it is a common and unavoidable emotion. (http://www.mentalhelp.net/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=5803)

Nursing care plan for anger / Anger NCP





related to

Recently changed environment or lifestyle

Cognitive deficit or decline

ADL decline

Loss of home or possessions

Loss of family member/ friend

Loss of pet

Mental / Emotional Illness

As evidenced by:

Persistent anger with self or others

Unpleasant mood in the morning

Verbalizes anger over loss

Verbalizes non-acceptance over change of status

Demonstrates ineffective coping skills

Resident will demonstrate effective coping behavior

Resident will verbalize a positive aspect of new situation

Resident will participate in activities

Allow resident to talk about feelings, and let resident know staff is empathetic

Assist resident to process feelings and find positive outcomes

Encourage contact with support system

Assist resident to participate in religious / spiritual activities

Plan activities that draw on resident̢۪s experience and knowledge

Do not argue with resident, but redirect by asking benign questions

Observe for nonverbal signs of anger: rigid body position, clenched fists

Psychiatric evaluation if indicated

Draw on resident̢۪s strength:

source : http://www.ltcsbooks.com/Forms/angercp.htm

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